Mar 17, 2014 | Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
Last weekend, thousands of runners around the globe enjoyed a warm, beautiful Sunday by taking part in the L.A. Marathon. Successfully finishing a marathon is a fantastic achievement that requires a great deal of training – and the sort of first rate medical treatment...
Oct 25, 2013 | Foot Doctor
Persistent foot injuries can wreck even the most small scale sports games; fix your feet with Beverly Hill’s Physicians’ full-scale podiatry treatments Fall might be NFL football season, but it also marks an increase in local sports activity as well....
Apr 16, 2013 | Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
Before and After Cosmetic Foot Surgery Many people are self-conscious about the appearance of their feet, some even considering seeing a foot doctor for cosmetic surgery. Others won’t go that far, but the team here at Beverly Hills Physicians wants our readers to know...
Oct 31, 2012 | Foot Surgery
Are you experiencing pain and discomfort that is holding back your game? Believe it or not pain you experience in your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back can be directly related to your feet and how you walk. Your entire lower extremity and your cortical spine are...