Just like women, men want to look their very best
But, that is not to say that plastic surgeries for men and women are one and the same. The talented surgeons at Beverly Hills Physicians know exactly what men want out of their cosmetic procedures, and cater those procedures to the individual patient to ensure that he gets exactly the look he’s going for. We offer a variety of surgeries for men to fight back a multitude of cosmetic (and sometimes serious) problems that have them turning to plastic surgery in Los Angeles.
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Male Breast Reduction in Los Angeles
Men can often be socially embarrassed and ostracized if their bodies appear too feminine, and having a feminine chest is no exception. While society pressures women to desire larger breasts, men are treated the opposite, often being ridiculed or jeered at for “having man boobs.” Our staff is extremely sensitive to these concerns. Our surgeons’ understanding of these issues and their top-notch surgical skill are the reasons why Beverly Hills Physicians is the safest bet for male breast reduction in Los Angeles.

Even for the most hard-working men, losing weight exactly where you want it gone can be extremely difficult. Diet and exercise can help bring down the pounds, but there isn’t a magic wand to make certain areas of fat burn away quicker. Luckily, male liposuction is the next best thing. Whether you want to drop weight in several areas, or are simply frustrated by stubborn belly fat or love handles, liposuction can finally give you the look that you deserve. You work hard, so we’ll work hard for you.

Tummy Tuck
People don’t expect a male tummy tuck to be a very common procedure, but it’s more common than many people think. Tummy tucks are usually meant to correct loose or sagging skin below the stomach. While doctors often field complaints about loose skin from women who have recently given birth, it is also a very common concern for anyone, man or woman, who has recently lost a large amount of weight. It can be frustrating that after working so hard to lose weight, the leftover loose skin still prevents the “in-shape” look that patients aim for. With a tummy tuck, you can finally get the whole package.

A facelift procedure is one of the most common techniques used by doctors today to fight back against visible aging. Years of stress and sun accumulated by working hard can take a toll on the youthfulness of a man’s face, and create unwanted wrinkles and looseness. A facelift is a great way to tighten up the skin and muscles in your face and use the features that you already have without injecting any foreign chemicals.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
Another common complaint that men have is that they constantly have bags under their eyes no matter how much sleep they get the night before. Often, these bags are not a result of sleep deprivation, but instead come from excess skin and fat that has built up over years of stress. A blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, removes some of this excess skin to create a youthful, energetic look. Men who choose to have an eyelid procedure with BHP are thrilled with the results that typically take years off of their appearance.

Weight Loss Surgery
While many know Beverly Hills Physicians as the go-to place for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, we are also experts at performing life-changing male weight loss surgery. Bariatric surgery is a growing field that is becoming recognized as safer and more effective each year. Procedures like gastric bypasses, gastric sleeves, and Lap-Band surgeries can help obese patients lose the weight they need in order to stave off a variety of health problems.
The BHP Difference
If you or man in your life is interested in learning more about any of these life-changing procedures, don’t hesitate to call Beverly Hills Physicians today for a free consultation at 1-800-788-1416.