Post Bariatric Reconstruction
Post bariatric body contouring after major weight loss surgery reduces the excess skin and fat that is left behind from the expansion and stretching of skin, and loss of tissue elasticity that often occurs after a major weight loss. This sagging skin commonly develops around the face and neck, upper arms, breast, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs and can make your body contour appear irregular. If you have undergone dramatic weight loss either through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, and you are at your ideal body weight, you may be a good candidate for surgery to remove excess skin.
You may wish to consider undergoing one or more of procedures bundled under post bariatric body contouring. These procedures could include a tummy tuck, circumferential lower body lift, thigh and buttock lifts, removal of back rolls, breast lift, and upper arm lift, as well as face and neck procedures to get rid of loose, hanging skin in these areas.

Face and Neck lift
A face and neck lift raises the cheek pads, corrects the jowls, and removes the loose and sagging skin from the neck, face, and around the eyes.

Brachioplasty or Upper Arm Lift
An arm lift, otherwise known as brachioplasty, can remove the excess skin and fat deposits, leaving the upper arms with a more pleasing contour. Brachioplasty, or upper arm reduction surgery, usually involves excess skin removal and underlying fat removal through a scar that runs on the inner part of the upper arm, often crossing onto the arm pit.

Breast Lift or Reduction
A breast lift will raise and firm sagging, flat breasts. Some patients also may require breast implants to improve the shape and size. Other people, including men, may need a breast reduction surgery. Incisions maybe placed around the nipple, from the nipple to the crease under the breast, and/or horizontally along the breast crease.

This is a surgery to remove excess skin of the pannus. A panniculectomy removes the hanging apron of skin from the lower abdomen, or pannus. A panniculectomy may be performed on patients who are still significantly overweight but have skin irritation from their hanging skin. A panniculectomy may be covered by PPO insurance if the patient has skin irritation or infection in the skin fold.

Lower Body Lift
In one procedure, excess skin removal of the abdomen, outer thighs, back, and waist occurs. Incisions extend completely around the body to remove a “belt” of excess skin and fat. Following significant weight loss, a person may end up with a lot of excess fat and skin that is most obvious in the front, often looking like an apron that will hang to varying degrees. However, the hanging excess does not stop in the front, and most often it will continue on to the sides and the back involving the outer thighs, lower back, and buttocks regions. This type of problem is called circumferential excess of skin and fat and will require a lower body lift for correction.

Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the medial or inner thigh. The procedure will contour the thighs so that the patient may be able to enjoy wearing slacks, jeans or shorts.
A Beverly Hills Physician will be able to outline possible solutions to specifically address your needs. Contact one of our offices for more information.