Gummy Bear Implants
Getting breast implants has never been safer and easier thanks to medical advances and the expertise of our team at Beverly Hills Physicians. Our surgeons have over a hundred years of combined experience to give you unsurpassed medical expertise. We are committed to providing customer satisfaction, from preparing for your surgery through to post-operative care. Our consultants can help you work out a personal plan that works specifically for you. We can give you the curves you have always wanted for renewed confidence and self-esteem.
Types Of Implants
There are generally two types of breast implants available: saline and silicone. Saline implants contain a sterile saline solution. Silicone implants contain silicone gel, which offers a consistency and texture similar to that of human fat.
Understanding Gummy Bear Breast Implants
More technically known as cohesive breast implants, gummy bear implants are the latest form of implants available to women seeking breast augmentation surgery. These implants are still filled with silicone, but unlike the traditional silicone implant, gummy bear implants have a more glutinous, sticky texture. The implants gained their namesake from their feel: they have a viscosity that is reminiscent of gummy bears. These implants are available in round and teardrop shapes.
Why You Should Consider Gummy Bear Implants
The firmness of these implants allows for a more natural look and breast shape, but firmness is just the start. The best part of these implants is that they don’t lose shape. In fact, when you remove the shell covering around the implant, the silicone inside would retain the same perfect shape, which decreases the risk of rupture. Cohesive breast implants also significantly reduce rippling and wrinkling normally caused by implants. That firm form decreases the risk of capsular contracture, which describes the immune system’s abnormal response to foreign materials. Gummy bear implants are especially effective for patients who need implant revisions, wherein the breast pocket is already stretched out.
Gummy Bear Implants In Beverly Hills
Gummy bear implants come in round and teardrop shapes. Especially when it comes to breast augmentation revisions, many women prefer these implants for their firmness and the way they hold on to their shape over time. In addition, the risk of tearing or warping is lower with cohesive gel implants. There is also a smaller risk of the already very rare immune problems that can arise from breast implants.
At Beverly Hills Physicians, we guide patients through the cosmetic surgery process and make sure they are fully educated on the options that are available to them. In this case, breast augmentation comes in a number of forms, including saline and traditional silicone implants. Since no two women – and no two sets of breasts – are exactly alike, it’s impossible to prescribe a one-size-fits-all approach to obtaining the right kind of implants. In fact, the only way to determine for sure if gummy bear implants are right for you is to come to our offices for a free consultation. There, you can cover all the issues, from health consequences to breast augmentation cost and how we make sure this surgery as affordable as possible. Get started by calling 800-788-1416 or request a free consultation through our web site.