
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


Fix Your Feet and Help Your Game

Are you experiencing pain and discomfort that is holding back your game? Believe it or not pain you experience in your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back can be directly related to your feet and how you walk.

Your entire lower extremity and your cortical spine are connected like a long chain of bones and function as one unit. It is very important to support your feet against the absorption of repetitive ground reactive forces and shock, and it is crucial to protect the remaining joints in your lower extremity and your spine from pre-mature wear and tear.

As an athlete the amount of ground reactive forces and shock to your feet can be increased up to ten folds, making you more susceptible to exhaust and injury and preventing you from accomplishing your desired amount of physical activity.

While your health is of the utmost importance it does not have to compromise your game. In fact, it may be as simple as a pair of orthotics to improve your swing and boost your energy. Imagine being able to play 36 holes pain free! A simple consultation is your first step to upping your game. Dr. Patricia Walters and Dr. Francine Nazarian are board certified podiatrists who have extensive experience with athletes and working to prevent sport related injuries and foot pain. Their mission is to promote functional, pain free and healthy feet and to help you reach your full potential!

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