Your Best Years Aren’t Behind You with BHP’s Topnotch Care
Childbearing can involve many challenges for new mothers, and the demands that are placed on a woman’s body throughout the entire process are chief among them. Many mothers experience a sense of dismay or frustration after giving birth to children, as they observe their bodies change from the image that they grew accustomed to over the years. At Beverly Hills Physicians, we’re dedicated to helping mothers discover that their best years aren’t behind them with comprehensive treatment options, and high quality plastic surgery performed by a team of the most highly trained and experienced physicians available.
The mommy makeover is a highly effective tool we utilize at BHP to help mothers regain the bodies they want. Exercise is often not enough to remedy the body’s transformation with issues like stubborn loose skin or stretch marks that may fail to go away. Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, resolves these issues and helps the body maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. Other procedures include muscle tightening, which often involves liposuction to remove excess fat, and breast lifts to correct drooping that may result from pregnancy and breast feeding.
Beyond cosmetic concerns, mommy makeovers also address physical issues resulting from childbirth such as involuntary urination, or sexual issues due to a loss of sensation during sexual activities. A vaginal reconstruction procedure performed by our expert team can resolve these issues to help women take back control over their bodies and sense of satisfaction. Having children is a rewarding experience. BHP helps keep it that way with high quality procedures that restores you vitality and youthful vigor.