You Still Got it, Momma! Boost Your Sex Appeal with Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is one of those topics that is often hush-hush, but everyone wants to know who’s had “work done.” At Beverly Hills Physicians, a top health and beauty network operating out of Los Angeles, we want women to know that they don’t have to be ashamed, anymore, because they resort to plastic surgery to beautify their bodies. This is especially true for women who have had children, and feel embarrassed by the drastic changes that childbearing has wrought on her once fit and toned physique. That may make her an excellent candidate for a procedure offered by Beverly Hills Physicians, called the “mommy makeover.”
This procedure is actually several different procedures done at a time, including a breast augmentation/or lift, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. The outpatient procedure may include other improvements, such as vaginal surgery to tighten the vagina (vaginal rejuvenation), another problem area for many mothers who experience vaginal laxity, especially if they have given birth to large infants weighing in excess of 8 pounds. No matter their request for self-improvement, BHP can accommodate a woman who wants to look as she did before she had children, or perhaps even better, with perkier breasts, a flat tummy, and leaner contours.
Being interested in these procedures shouldn’t embarrass you, in fact, it should make you feel empowered that you’re addressing what’s important to you! Being confident and sexy is a boon to any woman’s life, especially in her personal and intimate encounters. Call BHP’s office today to get started on your plastic surgery journey today.