
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


We Offer Outstanding Post-Bariatric Support

We Offer Outstanding Post-Bariatric Support

The decision to undergo weight loss surgery is a major one that has a long term ramifications on a patient’s health and wellbeing. For someone suffering with severe obesity it’s an important one because, unlike other methods of weight loss, it’s the only one that is proven to be consistently successful and able to provide lasting results. At Beverly Hills Physicians, our top team of respected, world class surgeons, doctors, and medical professionals are absolutely committed to your health, and will work closely with you, throughout every step of the process, to ensure positive results, and a rapid recovery.

Bariatric procedures, such as the gastric sleeve we perform, are safe and effective, but they still involve a period of recovery that every patient much carefully navigate for the best results. Because your recovery is such a critical stage of any bariatric procedure, you’ll always have the full support of our team at your side to closely monitor your progress and provide guidance. After helping you decide which bariatric surgery to choose, and whether surgery is right for you, we’ll full prepare you to make the necessary adjustments after you receive it. Afterword, we’ll help you adjust as you make continued progress toward a new healthier and happier version of yourself. Through our high quality treatment and post-bariatric support, you’ll be able to enjoy the kind of high caliber results that can only come from an outstanding center like Beverly Hills Physicians. Whether you need a gastric sleeve, or a Lap band revision to gastric sleeve we will happily help you through it.

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