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Vaginoplasty or Vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginoplasty or Vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate and tighten a woman’s vagina, by removing excess lining and repairing the surrounding soft tissues. Women who generally qualify for this procedure may have completed childbearing and are unhappy with the resulting lack of vaginal strength and tone, or have not had children but still desire improvement. Vaginoplasty is designed to decrease the diameter of the vagina, resulting in increased friction during intercourse, making the experience more pleasurable for both partners. Labiaplasty, a surgical procedure to beautify the outer appearance of the vagina by reducing the size and/or reshape the labia minor (“lips”), may be combined with vaginoplasty for total rejuvenation. When performed on transgendered women, this procedure is also known as a “sex change operation,” or “gender reassignment surgery (GRS).”

Vaginoplasty is occasionally performed to revise abnormalities, and certain congenital conditions, such as absence of a vagina at birth. It can also be performed to repair the vaginal area following disease or injury. Overall, this procedure can help to provide greater self-esteem and confidence in your appearance.

For more information regarding Vaginoplasty or Vaginal rejuvenation from the best Cosmetic & plastic surgeons visit our website www.beverlyhillsphysicians.com

Reference: comseticsurgery.com

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