
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


Toe-Shortening: Look and Feel Best for Summer

For most of us, summer in Los Angeles means baring parts of the body that have been hidden all year, and this definitely includes feet. While this can be a genuine pleasure, it can also lead to a bit of anxiety – regardless how confident you are about your appearance. That’s why summer is a popular season for podiatry services like our toe shortening.

Our dedicated team includes board certified specialists who understand that getting the most out of life means finding the perfect balance of health, beauty and wellness, and all of these come into play when performing podiatry treatments like bunion surgery. When in need of a podiatrist, Los Angeles‘ most health- and beauty-conscious residents consistently get a boost of confidence and comfort our foot treatments.

Everyone loves the feel of sand between their toes standing on the beach on a warm, sunny day. If you’re unhappy with the shape or size of your toes, though, you might find yourself choosing to keep your feet tucked away in shoes – even if it means missing out on one of the finest sensations of the season. However, with our toe shortening surgery you can confidently kick off your shoes and flaunt your feet to the world.

Due to recent advancements in toe shortening procedure, we can artfully sculpt toes with greater ease and efficiency than ever before. While past procedures often led to ongoing complications, our state-of-the-art treatment simplifies the procedure, leading to the shortest possible recovery time and minimizing discomfort.

While misshapen or overly long toes can be embarrassing, common foot maladies like bunions, in-grown toenails, corns or calluses can be equally frustrating, and even painful. Southern Californians who suffer from these issues often find themselves missing out on fun activities that promote health, including running or hiking through the regions scenic trails. Yet, after going through one of our surgeries, patients can soon find themselves back on their feet, proudly displaying their aesthetically appealing lower extremities in sandals and open-toed shoes.

When it comes to podiatry that equally enhances a foot’s beauty and comfort, where you go matters – and it should come as no surprise that the best option is always treatment from our team specializing in health, beauty, and wellness from head to toe. To learn more about the proven results of podiatry treatments and any other s procedures performed by Southern California’s top plastic surgery and medical team, please visit www.BeverlyHillsPhysicians.com or call 800-670-3602 for a free consultation. Updates are also regularly posted on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/beverlyhillsphysicians.

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