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The Fat That Got Away (Liposuction Surgery)

The Fat That Got Away (Liposuction Surgery)

You’ve been working out in the gym, passed on the Twinkies and reached your goal weight—so what can you do about the pockets of stubborn fat still clinging to your body?  Liposuction maybe the answer!!!

Liposuction or liposculpture is a surgical procedure designed to remove excessive fat that is resistant to exercise and diet.  It is ideal to remove localized fat from areas of interest.  There are several different techniques of performing liposuction, such as power assisted liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction and so on.  They are all effective in achieving the results.  However, selecting an experienced surgeon and being a good candidate for the procedure are the most crucial aspect for optimal results. 

With that said, here are some common question and answers about liposuction:

What is liposuction surgery like?

The procedure is performed in operating room, under sterile condition.  Depending on several factor, the patient is either sedated or under anesthesia during the procedure. Initially saline solution mixed with adrenaline and local anesthesia is infused in to fatty area being treated.  Next, a small tube called cannula, connected to a vacuum machine, is inserted into the fatty tissue through a tiny incision in inconspicuous location in the skin.  The surgeon gently moves the cannula around under your skin removing the unwanted fat.  The result is a resculpting of bulging areas into more attractive contours.

What area can be treated?

In women the hips, thighs, buttocks, stomach, knees, lower legs, cheeks, double chin, flanks (love handles) and back can be treated. In men, in addition to above areas, chest or excessive breast tissue can be treated as well.  Some people may elect to have the removed fat injected in other area of body such as lips for augmentation

How are the benefits of liposuction measured?

Cosmetically speaking, a successful liposuction surgery is measured in inches lost rather than pounds.  Liposuction is not a weight reduction procedure.  The weight removed is not as important as the improvement in your body’s contour.  Most important is your improved self-image and self-confidence.

How will the skin look after surgery?

The changes following liposuction are similar to what you would expect if you could lose an equal amount of localized fat through diet and exercise.  Most often, the skin in the treated area will contract and tighten following liposuction surgery.  As a result, excessive skin folds or loose skin are fairly rare after liposuction surgery. 

Who is the best candidate for liposuction?

There are no definite weight or age guidelines or restrictions.  Most patients have localized fatty deposits, are within 30 bound of their ideal weight, and have been stable at that weight for a while.  The best candidates for body sculpting are those who:

-have realistic expectations of the procedure
-are only slightly to moderately overweight
-have firm, elastic skin and are in good health
-have disproportionate areas of localized fat
-are on a healthy diet and exercise program

What is recovery from liposuction like?

One or two very small stitches close the incision.  You will wear a snug elastic dressing, girdle, or body stocking over the treated area for next several weeks.  You will go home a few hours after the procedure and rest for 24 hours, after which you may gradually increase your activity as tolerated.  There is some discomfort and swelling after the surgery.  You will be prescribed some antibiotics and oral pain medication to control the discomfort. After two or three days, you may assume non-strenuous activities.

Will the fat come back?

With liposuction surgery, one needs to change the lifestyle; old bad habits, poor diet and sedentary life style have an adverse effect on the results of liposuction.  With a routine exercise program and healthy diet, the results of liposuction surgery could last a life time. 

For further questions, please contact one of our locations for a complimentary consultation with a plastic surgeon.  Call 800.788.1416 to schedule an appointment or visit our website at www.BeverlyHillsPhysicians.Com.

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