Taking Back Your Body with a Mommy Makeover
Despite the rigors of childbirth and the extreme tolls it often places on the body, the childbearing process does not have to have irreversible effects. Many issues caused by childbearing, such as loose skin, stretch marks, or sagging breasts related to breast feeding can be remedied with simple plastic surgery procedures like the world class treatment options we offer here at Beverly Hills Physicians. At BHP, we understand the potential disappointment a new mother may feel when her body transforms in an unflattering manner as a result of childbirth. That’s why our top team of specialists, surgeons, and medical professions are dedicated toward providing approachable and effective solutions.
Our mommy makeover is specifically designed to counter the effects of child bearing, and help mothers regain the youthful bodies they worked hard to maintain. A mommy makeover normally includes a tummy tuck which eliminates stubborn loose skin and stretch marks that exercise often fails to remedy. In addition, breast lifts can restore the blossoms to their natural, pre-baby state. For women who experience vaginal issues such as involuntary urination or a lack of sexual sensation, our vaginal rejuvenation procedure provides a solution to these issues.
Women who seek our care at Beverly Hills Physicians do so with the confidence that they are receiving the best care available in the Los Angeles area by a team of highly qualified, experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing superior care. No matter what treatment you seek at BHP, you will receive the results you need, and the care you deserve.