We have a question for anyone interested in weight loss. What do you think is more effective at fighting obesity: a gastric sleeve or lap band procedures performed by outstanding board certified physicians or an exotic extract of human placenta?
A hearing that was just held in Washington led by Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) and featuring popular, occasionally controversial physician and television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz focused on wildly exaggerated claims around a number of alleged diet aids. We’re glad they took the time.
Products touting easy answers to the difficult matter of weight loss have robbed countless individuals of money and precious time that could have been spent on more effective health measures. These scams are well worth investigating, but we’d like to simply remind you that weight loss surgery is still the only anti-obesity technique with proven, positive outcomes for long-term weight loss.
Unlike distributors of dubious weight loss products, we are very straightforward about both the benefits and risks of weight loss surgery. The fact of the matter is that even treatment from a world-class surgeon does not guarantee weight loss success. That’s why we offer extensive follow-up support to ensure that patients are able to forge the good health habits that will allow them to achieve their weight loss ambitions. When initial surgeries nevertheless simply don’t provide the results patients need, our surgeons regularly demonstrate their expertise in procedures like lap band revision to gastric sleeve, which we’ve found can frequently transform weight loss failure into dramatic success.
Of course, it’s easy to understand why so many people are interested in products that claim to make excess weight melt away. While Senator McCaskill took Dr. Oz to task for his support of a product made with green coffee bean extract, it’s likely they might actually have a mild benefit in terms of weight loss. There are many products that might help some individuals lose a pound or two. Leaving green coffee aside, such low calorie caffeinated beverages as ordinary unsweetened coffee and tea, for example, may have some genuine weight loss benefits. They temporarily increase energy and encourage exercise while reducing the appetite somewhat, but nobody would confuse them with a miraculous obesity cure.
Sadly, miracle obesity cures simply do not exist. Bariatric surgery, however, is a time tested method of drastically reducing the pangs of appetite that make significant long-term weight loss nearly impossible for so many people. Rather than wasting time and money experimenting with dubious would-be cures, we think that severely obese individuals begin to educate themselves on how bariatric procedures like those we offer have helped countless people overcome their weight problem once and for all.