Liposuction Cost
Beverly Hills Physicians understands that it’s only natural for liposuction cost to be a concern for many people. Although liposuction is ideal for getting rid of unwanted fat deposits that are resistant to other weight loss methods, it is still considered an elective procedure performed for cosmetic purposes. For that reason, liposuction cost is almost never covered by medical insurance. Fortunately, however, it is still financially within reach of most people who want the surgery.
The fact of the matter is that liposuction and other plastic surgeries often tend to be considerably less expensive than many people assume. At the same time, it’s all but impossible to say exactly how much does liposuction cost in any individual case before we look at the patient’s overall situation and goals.
What Affects the Cost of Liposuction?
Area of the Body – The cost of liposuction varies based on what area of the body on which the procedure is performed.
Amount of Fat Removed – The amount of fat removed in a single session can vary from patient to patient, based on their desired outcome.
Number of Areas – While some patients only elect liposuction on one specific problem area, others will choose to have fat removed from multiple areas.
Of course, regardless of your financial situation, everyone wants to benefit from the finest possible quality work when it comes to reshaping their physique. The outstanding plastic surgeons of Beverly Hills Physicians use not only traditional liposuction but liposculpture, not simply removing unwanted fat, but using such techniques as ultrasound to create the most attractive overall appearance for both women and men. At Beverly Hills Physicians, plastic surgery is not just a highly precise achievement of the latest in medical technology, it is also an art – and great art is priceless.
Initial consultations with Beverly Hills Physicians are always free. Please call 800-788-1416 or visit our contact page to request a consultation online.