Forehead / Brow Lift
Beverly Hills Physicians is home to a skilled team of experienced doctors, physicians, and plastic surgeons. We are board certified with over 100 years of combined experience in all types of cosmetic procedures, including the forehead/brow lift. If you’re seeking rejuvenation in your appearance, set up a free consultation with one of our specialists to explore the options. Discuss the procedure, financing, desired results, post-op care, what surgeon is best for you, and anything else that might be on your mind. We’re committed to helping you feel comfortable and confident.

Aging and our Faces
Aging shows in all areas of the face, and the forehead is no exception. As you grow older, lines between the eyes and across the forehead deepen and the distance between your eyelashes and eyebrows decreases. This comes as a natural result of reduced elasticity in the skin and soft tissue. Deep creases and low eyebrows are unflattering and often make a person look older, tired, or constantly concerned.
Turning Back the Hands of Time
Coronal Brow Lift
For a coronal brow lift, the surgeon makes his incision in the hairline, across the top of the head, from ear to ear. Your doctor then lifts the forehead to its new position and cuts away the overlapping scalp. The surgeon then weakens some of the forehead muscles to diminish the appearance of horizontal lines in the forehead.
Hairline Brow Lift
For patients with high receding hairlines, the surgeon may recommend a hairline brow lift, wherein the surgeon makes an incision between the beginning of the hairline and the top of your forehead. The surgeon does not pull the hairline back after removing skin, so the scar may be visible upon healing. However, this method greatly reduces horizontal creases in the forehead.
Endoscopic Forehead Lift
With an endoscopic forehead lift, your surgeon only has to make several small incisions behind the hairline, through which he can shift the skin, creating a tighter, more youthful appearance.
Complementary Procedures
Forehead lifts are often conducted in conjunction with a facelift to rejuvenate your overall complexion. Some surgeons may recommend eyelid surgery along with a forehead lift if the patient has an overhang in the upper eyelids. A forehead lift may meet your goals better than eyelid surgery.
A brow lift can successfully improve your looks and enhance your self confidence, but it can’t completely stop the effects of aging.
For additional information about a brow lift in Southern California, contact us today.