Uterine Fibroid Treatment
Uterine Artery Embolization: The Non-Surgical Cure for Fibroid Tumors
Embolization has existed as a medical procedure since 1975. In gynecology it was used to reduce bleeding during uterine surgery. Founding members of the Fibroid Treatment Collective noticed another important effect. It shrank fibroids. The promise of an effective, non-invasive treatment led to research, trials and medical acceptance. Today more than several hundred thousand women world-wide have found relief with this safe, simple procedure. The Fibroid Treatment Collective performed the very first fibroid embolization in America, and has perfected the procedure with thousands of successful treatments to date. Contact us for more information about uterine fibroid treatment in Beverly Hills

Success Rate
Uterine Fibroid Embolization has an overall success rate of 94%. This means 94% of all patients who had the procedure experienced relief from their symptoms and significant fibroid shrinkage.

99% of patients had immediate relief from heavy bleeding

94% of patients experienced 50-60 percent shrinkage

33% of patients who attempted to conceive were successful

99% of patients returned to work in less than a week
Few Side Effects
Few Side Effects Embolization is a minimally invasive and very safe procedure, but some side effects and risks are associated. Post procedure cramping is the most common, but usually controlled by pain-killers. Other side effects include:

Nausea and fever in 1% of patients

Infection leading to hysterectomy less than .1% of patients

Artery injury less than .1%

Early menopause less than 1%

The Procedure in Detail
Before fibroid embolization, every patient is thoroughly evaluated to ensure the procedure is appropriate for them. This includes a review of medical history, general physical condition, and any other information pertinent to the case.
Next, the patient undergoes complete pelvic imaging, either ultrasound or MRI, to measure the size of the uterus and to look for any other conditions that might be affecting their health.
If everything checks out, endoscopic procedures will be used to evaluate the inside and outside of the pelvis in preparation for embolization. After embolization, patients are evaluated within the first week, again at six weeks and once more at six months to see how the fibroids are shrinking.
Embolization Explained
Uterine Artery Embolization is a non-invasive, non-surgical, out-patient procedure. It is performed under local anesthetic and has a very quick recovery time. Most patients are back at work in a few days.
Embolization requires a very small incision, about the size of a freckle, which is made in your upper thigh. A tiny catheter is inserted through this incision and into the femoral artery. Using x-ray guidance, a trained physician locates the feeder vessels which supply blood to each fibroid. Microscopic inert particles are injected into the vessels, blocking blood supply that nourishes the fibroid. Without a steady blood supply, the fibroids begin to dwindle and shrink. Embolization basically cures fibroids by starving them.
Due to the health concerns which this procedure addresses, your health insurance provider may cover part or all of the medical costs. Fill out an Insurance Check form.
Uterine Fibroid Resources:
Due to the health concerns which this procedure addresses, your health insurance provider may cover part or all of the medical costs. Fill out an Insurance Check form.