Dermatology & Laser Treatments
Beverly Hills is one of the largest networks of beauty and health care providers in California. That is why Beverly Hills Physicians is proud to offer the cutting edge elōs™ technology for the most effective and comfortable laser dermatology procedures.
We use the Aurora and Syneron systems, using elōs™ technology for procedures such as skin treatment and rejuvenation, and wrinkle treatment.
elōs™ is the first and only technology that simultaneously harnesses the power of bi-polar radio frequency (RF) and optical energy (either laser or light). Developed by IPL inventor/patent-holder Dr. Shimon Eckhouse and master physicist, Dr. Michael Kreindel. This revolutionary technology platform effectively overcomes the safety and procedural limitations of intense pulse light (IPL) and conventional lasers.
Active Dermal Monitoring™ and lower required light energy levels make elōs™ the safest technology available. Patients have selected elōs™ technology over traditional IPL and laser technologies for the superior comfort and effectiveness.