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Post Bariatric Reconstruction (06/2017)

Bariatric surgery performed by Dr. Mona Misra. Post Bariatric Reconstruction performed by Dr. Brian Rosett.

Patient underwent a Bariatric surgery with Dr. Mona Misra at BHP which resulted in significant and permanent weight reduction over a period of about 15 months. The weight loss resulted in excess large hanging skin on lower abdomen and lower body as well as droopiness of the breasts. So she presented to our office for a lower body lift and breast lift. She underwent an abdominoplasty with plication of muscles, liposuction of flanks and a breast lift with insertion of implants. The results shown are early post op, about 4-5 weeks out. The skin will continue to shrink as there is swelling of tissues up to 6 months post op. The abdominoplasty incision was placed low to be hidden by underwear or bikini. The anchor breast scar will also fade with proper care over next several months and the vertical scar is hidden well in the breast crease.

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