Case Of The Month Procedure: Mommy Makeover (9/2012)
This is a 26 year old female who has two children. After her children she has the normal post operative appearance of extra skin and tissue on her abdomen. Dr. Andrew Cohen, ( the Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery at Cedars Sinai Medical Center), performed a Mommy Makeover on her. She had a full abdominoplasty with flank liposculpture. He also performed a saline breast augmentation under the muscle with a 360cc high profile implant from Allergan. She has gone from a small A cup to a full C cup. She is 6 month post op in her post op pictures.*
Procedure performed by Dr. Andrew T. Cohen

To learn more about Mommy Makeovers, read about the procedure here, or check out more mommy makeover results in our gallery!