Case Of The Month Procedure: Breast Augmentation With Cohesive Gel Implants (4-13)
Procedure performed by Dr. Richard Hodnett, MD, FACS
Patient Testimonial:
A big THANK YOU to Dr. Hodnett for the excellent work! All of my life I always wanted to add a little “umph” to my chest. I am so happy to say that Dr. Hodnett gave me exactly what I was looking for. My procedure included a silicone breast augmentation, using the new and improved “gummy bear implant” along with some liposuction to my Pectoral Folds.
When first approaching Beverly Hills Physicians, I was greeted by 3 beautiful, smiling faces. The THOUSAND OAKS office was so professional and sweet. The girls couldn’t have made my experience any better. I am so completely satisfied with my results, the facility, the Doctor, and the overall experience. If you are interested in moving forward with a breast augmentation, I highly recommend checking out Dr. Hodnett!*
-Happy Patient : )