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Breast Augmentation With Cohesive Gel Implants(4/2013)

Case Of The Month Procedure: Breast Augmentation With Cohesive Gel Implants (4-13)

The patient is a 5ft 9, 140 lb female who presented with slightly uneven breasts and uneven inframammary folds. The patient’s chest and hips are uneven due to scoliosis (mild), and she had fat in the pectoral folds (normally referred to as tail of the breast). She chose a 430 cc cohesive gel implant often referred to as gummy bear implants.*

Procedure performed by Dr. Richard Hodnett, MD, FACS

Patient Testimonial:

A big THANK YOU to Dr. Hodnett for the excellent work! All of my life I always wanted to add a little “umph” to my chest. I am so happy to say that Dr. Hodnett gave me exactly what I was looking for. My procedure included a silicone breast augmentation, using the new and improved “gummy bear implant” along with some liposuction to my Pectoral Folds.

When first approaching Beverly Hills Physicians, I was greeted by 3 beautiful, smiling faces. The THOUSAND OAKS office was so professional and sweet. The girls couldn’t have made my experience any better. I am so completely satisfied with my results, the facility, the Doctor, and the overall experience. If you are interested in moving forward with a breast augmentation, I highly recommend checking out Dr. Hodnett!*

-Happy Patient : )

To learn more about Breast Augmentation, read about the procedure here, or check out more breast augmentation results in our gallery!

of the Month

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