
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


New Weight Loss Surgery Study Finds Impressive Health Benefits

LOS ANGELES, April 28, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — At Beverly Hills Physicians, weight loss surgery has always been celebrated as an essential resource for obese patients seeking greater health and happiness in their lives. That’s why their widely respected team of board certified bariatric surgeons has dedicated themselves to providing the highest standard of care for those seeking gastric sleeve surgery and other weight loss treatments. Over a period of several years, their team has also exhibited its extremely high level of skill and experience performing the increasingly common and minimally invasive Lap Band procedure, as well as the more complex Lap Band revision to gastric sleeve when necessary. Unfortunately, some people still view weight loss surgery as a strictly cosmetic treatment. However, the results of a recent study may prove that the treatments offered at BHP can have hugely substantial health benefits.

The Los Angeles Times reports that a recent clinical trial found that bariatric surgery did far more to improve symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol after three years than intensive treatment with drugs alone. This adds to the mounting evidence that bariatric treatment is a powerful treatment option for sufferers of Type 2 diabetes. According to the leader of the trial, Director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Bariatric and Metabolic Institute Dr. Philip Schauer, even diabetes patients who don’t qualify as severely obese can benefit from weight loss treatment.

“Right now, bariatric surgery is way underutilized,” says Schauer. The doctor goes on to explain that undergoing bariatric treatment today can allow many people to avoid “extremely costly interventions such as amputations and coronary bypass procedures” later in life. For many people in the medical field, these results may be startling but, for the experts in plastic surgery and weight loss at BHP, the results come as no surprise. After all, for years, their team has enhanced the health and quality of life for patients from all walks of life through a number of effective weight loss treatments.

According to Schauer, patients in the study who had surgery were much more likely to have their diabetes under control – 58% of those who had Roux-en-Y treatment and 33% who underwent a sleeve gastrectomy were even able to stop taking diabetes medications. As one of the largest networks of beauty and health care providers in California, BHP offers the full range of available treatments.

The transformation of a patient’s appearance and self-confidence that is provided by successful weight loss treatments like those at BHP has never been in question. However, the results of this recent study illustrate what the expert surgeons at BHP have known for years – that bariatric surgery can also provide profound health benefits that lead to fuller, happier, and longer lives for every patient. Moreover, experts believe these results may encourage insurers to continue to improve coverage for these life-changing surgeries.

There is no better time to schedule a consultation with Beverly Hills Physicians than today. For further information call 800-788-1416 or visit at www.beverlyhillsphysicians.com .

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