Looking Better is a Key Component to Feeling Better
Psychological studies have proven that how positively a person perceives themselves is directly proportional to how much confidence they have, and their capacity to maintain a sense of happiness. There are many factors that determine one’s ability to view themselves positively, but one of the main areas of consistency, amongst most people, is how they feel others perceive them. How we look is an important part of that because it often controls people’s impressions. If you think you look good, you’re going to feel good. At Beverly Hills Physicians, our mission is to help people achieve the body they want so that they can feel better about who they are.
One of the most prevalent areas of dissatisfaction when it comes to people’s bodies is weight gain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70% of American adults are overweight. Moreover, 35.1% are obese, which means they face health risks such as a much higher likelihood of developing cancer or heart disease. Weight loss surgery may seem intimidating, but it’s actually a safe and effective method for losing weight. At Beverly Hills Physicians, we only employ the finest, most highly trained surgeons available to provide treatment that is amongst the best Los Angeles has to offer. Procedures like the gastric sleeve operation have a high patient satisfaction rate because they provide the results patients are looking for.
No matter what procedure our patients choose, they are able to do so with the confidence that they are already on the road to having the body they want from the moment they walk through the door. Our specialists work with each patient to help them determine what surgery is right for them, and continue treatment after the fact to make any adjustments if further work is needed, such as a lap band revision to gastric sleeve operation. Having the body image you desire is within you control. At Beverly Hills Physicians, we’ll help you achieve it.