
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


Leading Balloon Weight Loss Doctor in LA

Leading Balloon Weight Loss Doctor in LA

People who are obese and need to lose weight quickly to get healthy have not had that many medical procedures available to them – until now. Beverly Hills Physicians is proud to offer the ORBERA balloon weight loss system, which is designed to help people with a body mass index between 30 and 40 lose weight quickly, and keep it off for good. The whole system involves non-surgical treatments, including device implanting, a team of experts to coach you, and the confidence to know you are making a great choice for your long-term health.

The balloon weight loss doctor at Beverly Hills Physicians is one of the leading experts in this new technology, and is easy to reach at our offices in Los Angeles. After your initial consultation, to make sure you qualify, we will schedule your procedure. This is a non-invasive procedure, which involves no surgery, and only “twilight anesthesia.” The balloon-like device is filled with saline, so it takes up room in your stomach. When you eat, you feel full faster, so you end up eating less. You’ll begin to lose weight quickly and you’ll likely lose significantly more weight than most people who try to lose weight on their own. Then, when six months have passed, the balloon will be removed.

However, your weight loss journey does not end there! Changes will be needed and the balloon does not work alone. At Beverly Hills Physicians, if you like, we can pair you with nutritionists and exercise coaches, so you will also learn to make healthy lifestyle changes, which will help you keep off the weight you lost. These non-surgical weight loss experts can be an important part of your treatment with Beverly Hills Physicians, so contact us today. 

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