Get Your Weight Loss Journey Kicked Off Yet Again
Although you may not have had success losing sufficient weight with your first weight loss surgery, Beverly Hills Physicians has a skilled team of board-certified bariatric surgeons who can help you get down to your goal weight. Beverly Hills Physicians has helped many patients on the road to success with their revision weight loss surgery procedure, usually for patients who were unable to attain their goal weight. Losing insufficient weight after having lap band or another bariatric procedure can be disheartening, but the BHP team is accustomed to meeting the challenge of converting gastric bypass patients to lap band or converting the lap band to the gastric sleeve.
Sleeve gastrectomy surgery involves the removal of a significant portion of the stomach, and then the remaining part is fashioned into a shape of the sleeve which has 15% of the capacity of its original size. Patients lose weight not only because their stomach can only hold small portions, but because their stomachs no longer produce a hormone that causes hunger. With curbed hunger and reduced cravings, patients are able to lose weight effectively and sustainably until they reach their goal weight, but that is not all that helps them get down to a healthy weight. The help of the BHP team and continual adherence to new, healthy lifestyle changes is what truly gets patient down to a healthy weight.
If you are interested in a revision weight loss procedure, contact BHP today to learn more about what we can do for you!