Gastric Sleeve Surgery from BHP Leads to Renewed Health
While regular exercise and a sensible reduced calorie diet can go a long way toward helping those who suffer from excess weight or obesity to manager their health, the fact is that for many, that’s simply not enough to remain healthy. Sadly, those who are seriously overweight are at a greater risk for such life-threatening diseases as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and much more. Yet, for those suffering from excess weight who feel like they have tried everything there is still hope – weight loss surgery from Beverly Hills Physicians.
Our widely acclaimed health, beauty and wellness team understand that when it comes to cutting-edge, proven treatments like Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy, and especially revision weight loss surgery, where you go matters. That’s why our specialists are dedicated to providing the highest caliber treatment to every patient. With over 100 years of combined experience utilizing the latest and most effective technologies, we’re able to provide our patients with treatment that leads to safe, sustainable and comfortable weight loss.
Perhaps the best example of treatment that leads to effective results is the gastric sleeve surgery we perform for our patients. Also known as sleeve gastrectomy, the procedures involves the removal of roughly 85% of the stomach, while the remainder is sewn into a sleeve-like shape. Not only does this substantially limit the number of calories a patient can ingest, but it also decreases feelings of hunger that lead to harmful overeating to begin with.
In the U.S. and around the globe, obesity is a growing problem, but you can take control of your health and confidence with our team at BHP. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated weight loss specialists.