
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


Gastric Balloon or Sleeve Might Be Perfect for You

Gastric Balloon or Sleeve Might Be Perfect for You

Losing weight doesn’t have to be a losing battle when you enlist the services of Beverly Hills Physicians. At BHP, we have all of the tools and resources you need to finally shed the pounds that have been doing damage to your overall health and self-confidence. We use the finest procedures like sleeve gastrectomy in Los Angeles, as well as the services of the top surgeons in the world of weight loss. Our team of wellness experts has over 100 years of combined experience and a passion for helping people like you get to a healthy weight.

Beverly Hills Physicians offers many different weight loss options. Each one is different, designed for different lifestyles and personal needs. For instance, the gastric sleeve procedure is perfect for somebody who has struggled with obesity for years and has a BMI of 40 or greater. If you have a BMI of 35 with an obesity-related illness, such as diabetes or heart disease, you may also qualify. The procedure consists of a large portion of the stomach being removed, in order to create a smaller stomach that will have you feeling full faster.

However, just because you don’t qualify for weight loss surgeries like gastric sleeve doesn’t mean you can’t use the helpful services of Beverly Hills Physicians. Another helpful procedure is gastric balloon which is temporary, only lasting 6 months. Call our offices to set up a free consultation to learn more about these amazing procedures. Your road to health and happiness begins now.

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