Beverly Hills Physicians doctors are providing leading edge care in the area of women’s sexual health
Labial reduction and other female-specific surgeries have not been widely discussed up to now, but it’s a topic that women and medical observers are going to be learning much more about. Beverly Hills Physicians understands that subjects like vaginal rejuvenation might be difficult for some of us to discuss, but the beneficial impact of these procedures make this a topic worth talking about openly. With a growing number of innovative techniques, including G-spot magnification in tandem with stem cell vaginal rejuvenation to improve a woman’s enjoyment of sexual activity, the sky really does seem to be the limit in this field.
One well-known operation, labial reduction, has been widely seen as primarily cosmetic. The board certified surgeons of Beverly Hills Physicians know, however, that there’s actually much more to the story than aesthetics. In fact, many women are motivated to receive the procedure by a number of entirely non-cosmetic issues. These include pain during sexual intercourse and issues with perspiration, irritation and infection of the labia. In some cases, wearing such common articles of clothing as bathing suits, underwear, and pants can be uncomfortable for women with excessively large labia. This procedure and others are also largely about sexual pleasure and confidence, allowing women to feel more comfortable about themselves while being intimate with their partners.
Vaginal rejuvenation and G-spot enlargement have specifically helped a great many women when it comes to the ability to receive and give sexual pleasure. This is an achievement of no small importance. Modern medicine has recognized the primary importance of sexuality to an individual’s overall emotional and mental health – there is little controversy around the importance of products for men such as Viagra and Cialis. The vaginal procedures being pioneered by BHP doctors similarly allow women in their later years the ability to enjoy sex with a similar level of vigor as they benefitted from in their youth. They also often have applications in terms of fighting such common issues as urinary incontinence.
Of course, human genitalia are incredibly complex in that structural and aesthetic issues must compete with such matters as sensation. A surgeon working in this area must be mindful of preserving what’s right with sexual organs while also correcting what’s wrong with them. BHP surgeons are known for their ability to handle these complexities and have produced outstanding results on behalf of countless patients.
The fact of the matter is that where women go for vaginal surgery makes an enormous difference. The outstanding level of care provided by Beverly Hills Physicians guarantees that women will enjoy the best possible results from even the most delicate procedures. Moreover, BHP is known for helping patients through all aspects of their treatment. That includes consultants who help patients with the non-medical aspects of receiving care, such as dealing with insurance companies, if applicable, and, when necessary, providing payment plans that fit within just about any budget.
For further information, please call BHP at 800-670-3602 or visit today to inquire about a free initial consultation.