
Owned & Operated by Beverly Hills Physicians Institute. A Medical Group


Ear Pinning or Otoplasty

Ear Pinning or Otoplasty

Ear surgery or Otoplasty is done to set prominent ears closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. Ear surgery can also replace ears lost due to injury and to correct ear problems such as awkward folding, unusual smallness or absence of natural folds and curves.

Ear Surgery or pinning operation usually takes two to three hours and requires the plastic surgeon to make a small incision behind the ear to expose ear cartilage. The cartilage is then sculpted to bend the ear back toward the head. Alternative techniques involve folding the cartilage back onto itself, and allowing the ear to reshape itself without removal of the cartilage. To pin the ears back, surgeon sews non-removable stitches concealed behind the ear.

Ear surgery does not usually require an overnight hospital stay, and patients can be up and around within a few hours after the procedure is completed. Overall recovery time is about five days to seven days, after which time normal activities may be resumed but taking care to avoid bending their ears for about a month.

To know more about Ear Pinning or Octoplasty from the best plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Beverly Hills visit our website www.beverlyhillsphysicians.com

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