Ear Correction; Ear Pinning or Otoplasty
Ear Correction is advised for women and men, who suffer from protruding ears. Ear position can be corrected on children (five years or older) or on teenagers – one of the parents have to be present (and sign the permission) or on adults. Ear Correction is performed under local anaesthetic and the surgery takes 1 hour.
If you’re considering Ear surgery…
Ear surgery or otoplasty, is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. One of the most common aesthetic problems during childhood and adolescence is prominent ears, which can sometimes lead to social difficulties. Treatment for this condition (otoplasty) is simple, and is one of the few aesthetic procedures that can be performed on adolescents as well as adults.
This cosmetic surgery can be are performed with other facial, body or breast surgery.
Preparation for Ear correction
Pharmaceuticals containing acetylsalicylic acid (Acylpirin, Aspirin, and Anopyrin etc.) should not be used for 3 weeks before the surgery, as they decrease clotting time of blood.
In case you are a smoker you are advised to stop smoking or at least to cut down on cigarettes. Smoking slows down recovery process and it can also increase a risk or complications.
An incision is made at the back of the ear, so that scars are not visible. The cartilage is then re-shaped, to make the appearance of the ears as natural as possible.
Ear pinning (ear correction) is performed in an operation theatre. In most cases, this outpatient procedure, lasting one hour, is carried out under local anaesthetic. The most common procedures for prominent ears are correction and wide or deformed lobe correction.
Post-operational course
Usually we apply a dressing, which is designed to fit perfectly over the whole ear. This dressing remains in place for 10 days. Once removed, we recommend using an elastic headband during the night for the next 1–2 weeks, to prevent holding the ears forward during sleep. This headband is included in the price of cosmetic surgery. There may be slight discomfort and reddening of the ear, but this will disappear within 24–48 hours of the operation.
You can join sport activities and get back to full physical work in 2–3 months after the surgery. You have to be very careful especially with the sport activities, because ball shot or a vehement wrench of ears at close contact can affect the surgery effect.
In the 3 months after the surgery it is not advised to sunbathe, due to the process in the operating areas. Some of the cells involved in this process absorb pigment permanently and this way some areas could be permanently hyper pigmented.
To know more aboutEar Correction – Ear Pinning or Otoplasty from the best plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Los Angeles visit our website www.beverlyhillsphysicians.com