According to an article published by People Magazine, country music star Jessie James Decker made a brave but slightly unusual choice to show her Instagram followers that the praise that they were bestowing on her for so quickly returning to her pre-pregnancy form may have been pre-mature. Saying that she didn’t “want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing,” Decker posted a follow-up photo showing her progress more accurately, which she claimed was still 15 pounds away from her pre-pregnancy weight. She concludes with the message that, while she eventually aims to regain her pre-baby form, she is in no rush and mothers should not be hard on themselves or others when it comes to losing the weight. This is an extremely positive and helpful attitude for such an influential new mother to have, and it echoes the sentiment that new mothers should not be in an enormous rush to reclaim their old physique.
Through the cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures that we offer our patients, we regularly listen to concerns from new mothers about parts of their body that experienced seemingly irreversible changes as a result of their pregnancy. The most common concerns usually pertain to sagging breasts, sagging or loose skin around the midsection, as well as stubborn pockets of fat that were built up during the pregnancy. While a simple weight gain can be fixed with a post-pregnancy diet and exercise regimen, problems with sagging generally require a cosmetic procedure to correct.
Our mommy makeover procedures, including breast augmentation/lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction, are used either separately or in combination with one another to correct some of these common concerns. Yet, many women do not necessarily rush to get these procedures in the time immediately following their pregnancy. While a feeling of urgency to return to top form is certainly valid, it is not necessary; some women put off procedures until they know that they are completely done having children or breastfeeding. Whatever new mothers choose, what is important is that the decision of whether or not and when to elect plastic surgery should come from a personal desire and not because of pressure put on by others.