To benefit from a truly well-balanced lifestyle, an individual needs to address both their physical appearance and their health and wellness. That’s why bariatric weight loss procedures have always been such a perfect match for our team here at Beverly Hills Physicians.
While many people view surgical weight loss as an aesthetic treatment, the positive impact it can have on a person’s life extends much further than its ability to boost one’s self-confidence through a dramatically improved appearance. Below, are 5 proven health benefits of bariatric surgery:
1. Reduced Risk of Diabetes – WebMD states that a growing number of studies are showing that weight loss surgery can be more successful at treating diabetes than drugs and lifestyle changes. In fact, one recent study found that type 2 diabetes can stay in remission for as long as 15 years after weight-loss surgery.
2. Brain Boost – We all know that weight loss can lead to a beautiful body, but new research shows that it can maintain a beautiful mind as well. Time reports that obesity can harm most organs in the body – including the brain. In scientific studies, patients who get rid of excess fat through bariatric surgery actually improved brain function, reversing the negative effects of obesity.
3. A Sharper Memory – For many, the improvement to brain power provided by weight loss continues far into old age. In fact, treating obesity through weight loss surgery can actually decrease one’s risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s by 35%.
4. Reduced Risk of Cancer in Women – A study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK recently found that, for every 5 kg/m2 decrease in BMI (Body Mass Index), womb cancer risk could be decreased by as much as 62%. The study also found that BMI reduction was also related to decreases in ovarian and breast cancer.
5. A Positive Outlook – No matter how attractive you look on the outside, you’ll never feel complete without a positive, optimistic perspective. However, Everyday Health reports that obese people are 25% more likely to experience depression than those who are not overweight. Excess weight can also result in chronic joint pain and hypertension – both of which are also linked to depression.
If you are dealing with obesity and would like to learn more about how to enjoy these benefits for yourself, just contact BHP any time.