As the holidays wear on, people with weight issues very often give in to old habits; they spend this time eating and drinking their way through another Christmas and New Year’s, gaining even more weight and telling themselves they will finally turn over that new leaf on January 2nd. While it’s only human to want to put off making a serious change in one’s eating habits, we’d like to take a moment to remind people who are struggling with weight problems that right now is the best time to get serious about a new health regimen. Whether you are dealing with severe obesity or would simply like to improve your health and happiness outlook by losing some pounds, at BHP we are delighted to offer a host of healthy options that are available right now
Below are three great reasons why there’s no need to wait for January 2 to take advantage of the many weight loss options that are now available.
- Beat the rush. Whether your plan is to attend your first meeting of a weight loss group, meet up with a weight loss coach, join a gym, or book a doctor’s appointment to look into a bariatric procedure, right after New Year’s Day tends to be the absolute busiest time of the year. Although medical professionals, coaches, and personal trainers are generally delighted to meet with new clients every day of the year, the fact of the matter is that there might be a certain amount of waiting involved if that day is in early January.
- Avoid Compounding the Problem. People who think they have decided to make a major change in their eating habits at some well-defined point in the near-future might very well decide to eat like there’s no tomorrow. The problem is that this kind of indulgence can make it all that much harder to lose weight and actually may reduce the number of tomorrows we get to enjoy. Much better to take things easy and start to eat in a more restrained and healthier fashion. Not waiting to take up a new weight loss measure, whether it’s surgery or joining a gym, sends yourself a message that lifestyle changes are for real.
- Every day is precious. No one knows what the future may bring, and every day you put off making important changes is a day that’s wasted. It’s hard to think of a single good reason to put off a healthier, happier future.
If you are seriously interested in making a major change in your life, there are a number of routes you can take, and we’re here to help you. For those who are severely obese and interested in procedures that make significant weight loss vastly less difficult, we offer the full range of weight loss procedures including gastric sleeve and adjustable banding. For those of us who are interested in losing smaller amounts of weight, we also provide weight loss coaching and other services. Just give us a call!