Jul 10, 2014 | Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
For most of us, summer in Los Angeles means baring parts of the body that have been hidden all year, and this definitely includes feet. While this can be a genuine pleasure, it can also lead to a bit of anxiety – regardless how confident you are about your appearance....
Oct 25, 2013 | Foot Doctor
Persistent foot injuries can wreck even the most small scale sports games; fix your feet with Beverly Hill’s Physicians’ full-scale podiatry treatments Fall might be NFL football season, but it also marks an increase in local sports activity as well....
Apr 26, 2013 | Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
Whatever our gender, we’re all so used to hearing about the health benefits of exercise that it might be shocking for some of you to learn that it took some time for that message to really make its mark in the medical community and elsewhere during the latter days of...