Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is a leading non-surgical procedure, performed by Dr. Kevin Hayavi at BHP, that utilizes blood plasma safely extracted from the patient’s own body, which is then separated and enriched through the use of a centrifuge. This procedure has a variety of uses, including skin/facial rejuvenation, as well as hair restoration.
Skin/Facial Rejuvenation
PRP treatments begin with the injection of the enriched plasma into problematic areas of the skin that have been damaged by aging and/or exposure to the sun. The platelets then stimulate the production of key healing enzymes and proteins, while attracting stem cells and other beneficial agents. The result is an overall rejuvenating impact that can improve the texture and thickness of the skin, while addressing such issues as wrinkling, thinness, and fine lines. PRP treatments are used for rejuvenating the skin on the cheeks and the mid-facial area, the neck, below the eyes, the lower portion of the neckline (décolletage), and elsewhere. It can also reduce the visibility of scar tissue.
While they should not be viewed as a substitute for facelifts or other plastic surgeries, PRP treatments offer natural looking results that delight the vast majority of patients. Downtime is minimal and any side effects are typically minor and short-term. Most treatments take approximately 45 minutes.
Additionally, PRP can be used as an effective hair restoration treatment for both women and men. Many patients seeking a non-surgical treatment for thinning hair or a receding hairline.