Get a Taut Abdomen with a Tummy Tuck Performed by Beverly Hills Physicians
A flabby abdominal region can be the cause of much distress and embarrassment, not to mention a love life that is less than satisfactory because of the shame of having loose skin and fatty tissue in that area. Fortunately, plastic surgery can successfully change your abdomen and make it taut and supple again instead of loose and saggy. By removing the loose skin and fatty tissue of the abdomen that has appeared after giving birth or losing weight rapidly, you’ll lose the feeling of having these uncomfortable rolls that perhaps you have to tuck into your pants so they’re more discrete. A tummy tuck with Beverly Hills Physicians may be the answer, and our board-certified plastic surgeons can help you get the tummy you want.
Often used in a series of cosmetic procedures called the mommy makeover, a tummy tuck helps counter some of the less pleasant side effects of childbearing. You can see the stunning results of our tummy tuck procedures by visiting our plastic surgery before and after photo gallery with pictures of our delighted patients who have enthusiastically volunteered to display their results to prospective Beverly Hills Physicians patients. You can get the body you want with Beverly Hills Physicians, and we can help you improve your self-confidence once and for all.
A tummy tuck is just one way to improve your self-esteem, not to mention your comfort when you won’t have to wear larger clothing that rubs against rolls of loose skin in your tummy region. We offer the tummy tuck to plenty of satisfied patients who come to us thinking they would never be able to feel comfortable or attractive again. To learn more information about a tummy tuck, please call us today at (800) 788-1416!