In Southern California, health and beauty have always been recognized as an essential aspect of a balanced and fulfilled life. That’s why, throughout the region, the network of health and beauty specialists at Beverly Hills Physicians are considered an invaluable resource for women looking to achieve their personal health and wellness goals through gynecology and vaginal rejuvenation procedures. For years, BHP has provided the gynecologist Beverly Hills residents know to trust for empathetic, personalized treatment and world-class abilities.
As a woman begins to advance in years, it is only natural that the shape of her body begins to evolve. However, too often, environmental factors cause a woman’s body to lose the youthful beauty she has always viewed as an invaluable aspect of her identity. While some believe a decline in aesthetic beauty is inevitable, the specialists at BHP know otherwise. Through procedures like labia reduction, vaginoplasty and vaginal reconstruction, BHP surgeons are able to rejuvenate the exquisite beauty of a woman’s most personal physical feature.
While it may seem daunting on the outset, vaginal reconstruction is actually a simple outpatient surgery – it can be performed on an out-patient basis without an overnight stay, and the recovery period is normally short and free of discomfort. For women who have experienced a vaginal birth, reconstruction can go a long way towards helping a woman to restore the unique femininity to her intimate area.
Of course, women of any age can aspire towards greater aesthetic beauty and the notable boost in self-confidence that it can provide. For example, depending on various factors such as race and family genetics, a woman might experience enlarged or uneven labia minora. In these cases, symptoms might include pain or discomfort during intercourse, sweating, irritation or infection and difficulty wearing certain types of clothing. Thus, undergoing labial reduction performed by world-class BHP surgeons can lead to a substantially improved quality of life and can go a long way towards helping a woman to achieve her personal health and beauty goals.
Furthermore, BHP is one of the very few medical groups in the country which currently offers laparoscopic hysterectomy on an outpatient basis. The advantages of this procedure include less pain, quicker recovery and sooner return to daily activities. Because it is performed on an outpatient basis, BHP’s laparoscopic hysterectomy offers significant saving for the healthcare system. In the past, several nights of hospitalization and possible blood transfusion were required for a hysterectomy; this new revolutionary procedure is truly a game changer in the field of surgery.
While BHP specialists have garnered a well-earned reputation for their gynecological and female-oriented cosmetic procedures, these still only represent a small aspect of the comprehensive medical treatments they offer. With over 100 years of combined experience, their surgeons provide each patient with unparalleled medical expertise and commitment to patient education and care. For cosmetic dentistry, laser treatments and much more, make an appointment with Southern California’s premier team of medical experts today, and look forward to life-changing health and beauty solutions. If you are interested in how BHP can actualize your dreams through female corrective surgery or other medical needs, contact them to arrange a free consultation by dialing 1-800-788-1416, or visit them online at today.