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A Brief Explanation of LAP-BAND Surgery from Beverly Hills Physicians

Lap band surgery can be the start of a new life, and a choice that many obese persons make to get down to a healthy weight. Patients choose to have the lap band in Beverly Hills because BHP provides this minimally-invasive bariatric surgery to patients looking to lose weight and keep it off. Lap-band surgery involves the placement of an adjustable silicone gastric band that is wrapped around the uppermost part of the stomach, near the esophagus. When tightened properly, a small stomach pouch forms above the band, and limits the capacity of how much the patient can eat in one sitting. The patient loses weight through a series of band adjustments that keep him from feeling hungry between meals.

The lap-band surgery is the least invasive of all bariatric procedures, and is lauded by experts for not including any permanent changes to the digestive system through cutting, stapling or rerouting of the intestinal tract. The patient continues to digest nutrients in the same way as before, because the procedure is categorized as “restrictive,” not malabsorptive, as in gastric bypass, where the intestinal tract is rerouted to connect directly to a stapled-off stomach. Lap-band surgery is quite different from other procedures, and it has a much lower complication rate than any other bariatric procedure.

If you have considered lap-band or perhaps gastric sleeve in Los Angeles, look to our Beverly Hills Physicians team to help you get started on the right foot. We can help teach you more about your bariatric surgery options and help you through every step of the way, from insurance verification before you decide to have the surgery all the way through thorough aftercare. We only want to see you succeed in beating obesity, so please call us today to set up your FREE initial consultation.

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