An April article from the Newport Beach Indy reports on a new documentary, “Take My Nose…Please,” covering the reactions of female comics to the subject of plastic surgery. Remarkably, the film’s first-time director is 89 year-old Joan Kron, a former editor of Allure magazine. The film’s reportedly lighthearted and nonjudgmental approach to plastic surgery underlines a growing acceptance and normalization of plastic surgery in the public mind. Indeed, here at BHP, we’re finding that more and more people equate plastic surgery and other procedures with other beauty treatments. Our patients typically cite a number of reasons for obtaining procedures such as rhinoplasty (nose job) or breast augmentation. These include:
Staying Relevant in the Workplace. It’s not just performers who feel they can benefit from an improved or rejuvenated appearance. Many of our patients – from fields as diverse as the law, real estate, and education – feel that appearing older can be a subtle handicap to career advancement. Many of them have reported a noticeable improvement in their fortunes after getting procedures that make them look younger or more attractive; they say that coworkers appear to take them more seriously and somehow their views on current changes in the marketplace are more likely to be considered, perhaps because they are perceived as somehow being more in touch with contemporary trends.
Staying in the Game Socially. As men and women alike are living longer and enjoying better physical health, more and more are finding themselves unexpectedly returning to the dating pool after a divorce or the death of a spouse. This means that more and more people in their middle years and beyond are seeking out new ways to keep themselves competitive in the always contentious game of love. Patients in the older age brackets are seeking out a fully array of procedures that range from injection-based facial rejuvenation procedures, such as Botox, to tummy tucks and breast augmentations for a more youthful bodily appearance.
More people of all ages are showing up at our offices in growing numbers, and they agree that, while certain aspects of plastic surgery can be as humorous, taking advantage of the latest beauty procedures is no joke.