Especially as we enter the holiday season, people here in Southern California are busier and more pressed for time than ever. And so we all try to carve more minutes and hours out of our schedules. We get take-out instead of cooking our own food and, when take-out takes too long, we hit a fast food joint; we adjust our schedules to save time on our commutes; we indefinitely put off reading the latest bestseller or binge watching the new season of our favorite TV show, and we find all sorts of short-cuts on everything from doing our hair to getting the dog washed. However, a news item from last month that we saw at NewBeauty takes things to another level.
The famously plastic surgery savvy nation of South Korea has taken convenience to a whole new level by offering a plastic surgery center inside Seoul’s bustling Incheon International Airport. It’s not clear whether it’s aimed at super-busy travelers who might want to work in a quick Botox treatment before or after a trip, or as a convenience for so-called medical tourists who want to get their procedures Gangnam style but who may not have time to actually visit Gangnam. Regardless, it brings up a serious question for those of us who perform and receive cosmetic procedures as we try to balance convenience with getting the most outstanding results possible.
While time is precious, it’s also true that all procedures need to take a certain amount of time. After all, both the patient’s health and appearance is on the line. Here at Beverly Hills Physicians, we do what we can to make getting a procedure as easy as possible. We also work hard to keep downtimes to a minimum so that patients can get back to their routines more quickly. We also offer locations throughout Southern California so that our clientele doesn’t have to deal with lengthy rides to or from their procedures.
At the same time, of course, cosmetic procedures – even ones as simple as Botox injections – should never be rushed, and they can’t be streamlined the way efficiency experts might redesign a supermarket. Here at BHP, we find ways to be respectful of our patients’ time largely by taking our own time to make sure we get things right the first time. It’s a formula that seems to work.