Lap Band in Thousand Oaks
Substantive weight loss can feel like an impossible challenge for those struggling with obesity. After the initial enthusiasm for diet and exercise wears off, it can be easy for many people to slip back into poor eating habits. Fortunately, advancements in modern medicine have made it easier than ever for overweight individuals to shed pounds quickly and healthily. Beverly Hills Physicians, the leading surgical network for Lap Band in Thousand Oaks, has helped change countless lives with operations that help people keep off unwanted pounds without having to maintain a constant breakneck pace of cardiovascular fitness.
One procedure that provides a decidedly permanent remedy for obesity is the well-known gastric sleeve operation. Gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of a patient’s stomach by approximately 85%. This essentially restrains the stomach from being able to accommodate more than a small amount of food at any given time, thereby imposing dramatic and permanent weight loss on the patient. A less severe (yet often equally effective) alternative to gastric sleeve is the lap band surgery. The lap band places a band around the top of the stomach, in order to pinch off and limit its ability to consume large levels of food. In doing so, the lab band often induces the same outcome as the gastric sleeve, except it can be manipulated and even removed after surgery.
Beverly Hills Physicians excels in providing unparalleled service and outcomes for their clients. With rates that are affordable for most families, there has never been a better time to take advantage of their high-quality care. To arrange a free consultation, call BHP toll-free at 800-788-1416 today.