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Balloon Weight Loss Doctor in LA

Balloon Weight Loss Doctor in LA

Most American adults are overweight, obese, or severely obese. This serious problem in the United States means that more chronic health problems, like heart disease and diabetes, are emerging. For too many of these people, diet and exercise changes alone are not enough. People who have a body mass index of 40 or greater, or 35 or greater with related health problems, qualify for weight loss surgery like gastric bypass, and those with a BMI of less than 30 are typically not considered to have a serious weight issue, and may physically respond to changes in exercise and diet. But people who are at the lower end of obesity, with BMIs between 30 and 40, have had few options for help until now. The FDA has own approved the ORBERA balloon weight loss system, and now Beverly Hills Physicians proudly offers this option for people who need to lose weight quickly.

ORBERA Intragastric Balloon System is a form of non-surgical weight loss which makes the available area in the stomach smaller and reduces the apetite. Beverly Hills Physicians’ weight loss team is here to provide it’s experience to foster the best results possible at every step of the weight loss process. This new balloon weight loss procedure is fast to implement, and helps patients lose weight quickly.

Here’s how it works: a saline-filled “balloon” is inserted into the stomach, so the patient feels full after eating much less. After 6 months, the balloon is removed. Combined with diet and exercise, ORBERA technology helps people avoid serious, chronic health issues by allowing them to lose weight quickly and easily.

If you think you might qualify for the ORBERA procedure, contact our balloon weight loss doctor at Beverly Hills Physicians today. 

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